Amadello discovered his passion for fitness 13 years ago through a personal friend who was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis. Despite this diagnosis, his friend maintained a chiseled physique and positive mental health. Amadello was inspired by his friend to start researching the human body and the effect that nutrition and training has on our appearance. Since then, Amadello has been an advocate in the community for the importance of education, particularly in children and adolescents, in order to achieve physical, spiritual and mental health goals.
Through his own personal fitness journey, Amadello achieved his goals of weight and muscle gain through dedication and a commitment to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. He is passionate about helping to create healthy habits and maintainable lifestyles for his clients and their families.
Amadello’s fitness knowledge combined with his love of food, has led him to achieve a strong understanding of macro nutrition and the significant role it plays when helping clients to achieve their goals.